The 4 Moore's

The 4 Moore's
All about the adventures we take.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Week 1 at Pre-School

So we have made it through week 1 at Pre-School....I am very proud of Tristan. Only had 1 into a "play fight" with a friend and he got sent to the office. They were talked to and got a "Ouch Report" sent home cuz he got bonked on the nose, but was not hurt! He really seems to be taking everything in stride. I thought it was going to be tougher then it was but he is the BEST kid I could ask for! He had PJ day today and it was nice to send him in them w/o having to change him this morning!! They have a theme of a animal each month and this month is the Bear so we signed up to bring goodies that bears would like and they made lunches out of them for the past 2 days...he enjoyed that with the teachers and other kids! I talked to the teacher the other day on our way out and she said he is doing really well and this is awesome to hear as a mom! On the 3rd day he came home to tell my sister (aka as his BEST FRIEND) that he made another best friend (Derek), but that she was still his # 1 best was cute how he said it and I knew he meant it too!

1 comment:

  1. How cute is that?!?! As a mom, you never stop worrying, but I'm glad to hear he's adjusted so well. Congrats to you and the fam. It truly is a mileston :p
