The 4 Moore's

The 4 Moore's
All about the adventures we take.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daddy n me Day (3-13-10)

At Tristan's Pre School they hosted a "Daddy and Me" day. It was very specal for all the dads to bond with the kids and interact as well. So many fun things to do such as shaving dad with popcicle sticks, creating picture frames, painting and hand prints. Here are a few pics from the event.
Daddy n Tristan painting

Tristan preparing daddys hand with paint

The boys making some picture frames

Walking hand in hand to Chapel

Tristan singing songs in Chapel

All the dad n kiddos

His teacher Mrs Tina and Tristan

1 comment:

  1. OMG. The one of them walking hand-in-hand, KILLS me! So cute!
